Monday, July 20, 2009

In America We Have Stump Removal Services

AmberLynn: The real work has begun in our hearts and through our hands. The end of the day brings complete and utter exhaustion and the mornings a fresh start accompanied by sore muscles. Day one found everyone hauling brush and building a doghouse and holding up plywood to walls… in short the power team came out. Day two was a day of mastering the weeds of nature, Amy as Tiger Lilly ripped up roots like a champion. Abby Chestnut has kept up with boys not only in the physical aspect but also in the “how dirty can you become in one day”. She successfully poured a jar of century old olive oil down her whole entire body. Allison has made quite the connection with the local people the relationships are growing quickly and deeply in the hearts of others as well as for Allison. Whitney is the eager beaver who loves to clean and organize, while collecting little treasures along the way. Howard has, surprisingly really developed a heart for Bobby and Rali’s kids: Teddy, Sammy, and Annie and has spent the day trekking back and forth between the playground with them. Chase is our worker, he volunteers for anything and everything, if Chase can find a way to make someone’s day, and he’s all about it. Fatigue has started to grip at all of us but Brian Hicks has not only been dealing being tired but with fighting off illness… no one would have guessed it by the way he willingly pushes through the tasks of hauling bricks and cleaning oil spills. And of course Josh, he’s really started to come into his own personality wise, he speaks his mind all the time and he’s heart now as well, he is a joy to work with and a joy to hang out with. Our host Bobby is, as always, a blessing trying to accommodate us in every way he can. There is debris in our way from seeing God’s work and stumps in our hearts and minds which make achieving goals harder but we are here to find the roots, what are they connected to? What can we do remove them? Do some of them need to stay intact? The land is raw and in a way, so is we, but we are here to do Gods work… In America we may have stump removal services, but in Bulgaria we are the stump removal services.


  1. Hey, you all are awesome! Just keep on with the faith, the work, the relationships, the positive attitudes, the love despite challenges and the cultivation of the joy of Jesus from which comes your strength. (The joy of the Lord is your strength. Nehemiah 8:10)

    From James 2:14-26, you know that it is no good if a man claims to have faith but has no deeds. Faith without works is dead. Faith must have deeds/action. Faith & action must work together--and that's what you guys and gals are doing! In fact, your faith can be made complete by what you are doing! We commend you!

    And whatever you are doing for one of the least of the brethren of Jesus, you ARE doing for Jesus! (See Matthew 25:35 - 45) If not you, who could be helping the Nav Missionaries there in facilitating the tasks they have ahead of them? God knew they needed help to move forward a little faster. If you were here in the States right now, help would be taken for granted, and even paid help, for tasks that need to be done--but there? What an answer to prayer--spoken and unspoken! God knew He could count on you; He knew what was ahead, and like in Isaiah 6:8 you all said to God: "Here I am, Lord. Send me." You were clueless as to exactly what you would be doing--but God knew all along.

    You are Jesus' hands and feet, heart, head, eyes, mouth and ears! How good and pleasant it is when brothers live (and work) together in unity! (Psalm 133:1) Look at the Community you are forming--as in Acts 2. You may be the only Bible some individuals may ever read. But as the old saying goes: People don't care how much you know 'til they see how much you care--and look at how much you have been caring and sharing via your labors in love?

    You all already know SERVICE is key which keeps your eyes off the god of self, enabling you to bless others. You are indeed a blessing; in fact, you are blessed to be a blessing, just like Abraham (Genesis 12).

    Your work, furthermore, IS worship unto the Lord. Your hearts are intentional similar to King David who danced before God with all his might (2 Samuel 6:14) and was ridiculed by his wife Michal, but had responded to her with basically: "You ain't seen nothing yet" as "I will become even more undignified." (v. 22) And of whom does God brag about as being a Man after His Heart? None less than King David! Perfect? No, but perfect-hearted! Therefore, go and be the Davids in Bulgaria and dance/work with all your heart! And remember that as you let your light shine before me, others may see your good deeds and praise your Father in heaven. (Matthew 5:16) God will reward you for your excellence in all you do. Well, done, He will say...Well done! --Amy's Mom, Gin

    P.S. Keep on blogging--am enjoying all your blogs!

  2. GO FOR GOD,

    Amy and gang

    Go for God, Amy & Gang!
    We miss you. Jake

